
We are proud to work with the following world-class partners to keep your workers safe.

As a trusted, unbiased advisor, we are able to recommend the very best technologies to meet your needs. We don't produce any hardware or software in-house, but distribute those we vetted and trust. We know the pros and cons of each provider so that we can provide you with an unbiased recommendation. If you need help with a 24/7 monitoring solution for one of these technologies, or have interest in becoming an approved provider  ask us about our Monitoring-as-a-service solutions.

  • VDIS #1


    VDIS Journey Manager software is the answer for ensuring safe, single-vehicle convoys and other work alone situations. Whether it is used as a standalone application or as part of your VDIS suite, this solution is simple, practical, and cost effective for safety-conscious companies.

  • Aware360

    SafetyAware easily keeps workers in touch with the right people at the right time – with the right insight to keep them safe. It eliminates manual calls that consume time and produce false alarms. The software as a service platform includes an easy-to-use app, a web-based Control Center, 24/7 live response center monitoring, and optional wearables and devices – to protect anyone in your company, wherever they are.

  • Blackline Safety

    With millions invested in technology research and development, Blackline Safety is recognized for quality and innovation. Their talented team of designers and engineers create and manufacture everything in-house — from wearable technology and personal gas detectors to cloud-hosted infrastructure and web-based interfaces for global industry

Stay safe, stay informed, stay compliant.

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